BugMD Mosquito Amigo Exclusive Online Discount & Free Shipping

Are Mosquitoes Ruining Your Backyard Experience? You Need To Try This Genius Essential Oil Spray

 ATTENTION    Discover the Essential Oil Spray That Keeps Mosquitoes Away, Allowing You to Enjoy Your Outdoor Space Without the Constant Annoyance!
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Scientifically designed to repel pesky mosquitoes, so you can enjoy your backyard again.

Mosquitos, Considered The World’s Deadliest Animal, Cause More Than

700,000 Deaths Every Year1

Mosquitoes are responsible for close to 1,000,000 (1 million) deaths each year, making them the deadliest animal on the planet. It's a problem that affects millions of people worldwide.
Between the risk of contracting dangerous diseases like malaria, West Nile virus, and Zika, and the constant annoyance of itchy bites, mosquitoes can quickly turn your outdoor space into a nightmare.
No matter how much you enjoy spending time outdoors, the last thing you want to deal with is the threat of mosquito-borne illnesses. Mosquitoes can strike anytime, anywhere, and the consequences can be severe. We’ve all heard countless stories of people falling ill due to mosquito bites.
For example, a woman in Florida contracted malaria from a mosquito bite, despite never having left the country. She suffered from high fevers, chills, and severe headaches, and had to be hospitalized for several days.2
She fully recovered, yet the risk of mosquito-borne diseases persists, posing a potential threat to you and your family. Enjoying your backyard shouldn't mean avoiding it.
What you need is a non-toxic solution that effectively repels and kills mosquitoes lets you enjoy your outdoor spaces worry-free. Contrary to common belief, harsh chemicals aren't the only answer.

"There's Got To Be A Better Way

To Get Rid of Mosquitoes..."

Once mosquitoes invade your yard, they can be incredibly difficult to control. We've spoken with customers who describe struggling through a frustrating, ineffective cycle trying to keep these pests at bay:
First, they try store-bought citronella candles and bug sprays. But within hours, mosquitoes return. So they invest in expensive electric zappers, only to find them annoying and attracting even more pests.
Desperate for a solution as mosquito populations soar, some then resort to harsh chemical treatments, exposing their families to potentially harmful toxins.
Others try to avoid the outdoors altogether, sacrificing their quality of life and the joys of their own backyard. But even with these drastic measures, mosquitoes always seem to find a way to your home.
Despite significant efforts and spending, mosquitoes often still disrupt outdoor activities and pose health risks, prompting the search for effective and safe* alternatives.

“The Moment I Realized Traditional

Mosquito Solutions Weren't Enough

I Knew I Needed Another Solution”

People People know that the threat of mosquito-borne diseases is more pressing than ever. West Nile virus, Zika, Malaria, the list goes on and on. The last thing you want is to put your family's health at risk every time you step outside.know that the cost of living keeps rising these days. Rent, food, utilities, you name it.
But all the other "solutions" to mosquitoes either feel like a temporary fix, filled with harsh chemicals, or simply don't work well enough to provide true peace of mind.
Ever felt stuck between ineffective mosquito repellents and harmful options? Wanted a solution that's both effective and safe*? You're not alone in this.
But what if there was a natural;y activated, long-lasting way to create an invisible barrier against mosquitoes, allowing you to reclaim your outdoor space without worry?

“Traditional Mosquito Solutions

Might Provide Temporary Relief,

But They Come With Serious Problems...”

Based on thousands of Americans, relying solely on conventional mosquito control methods often leaves people frustrated, concerned about safety, and still dealing with pesky bites. No matter the approach, it's hard to find a solution to mosquito problems that doesn't have significant downsides.

1. Mosquito Repellents Containing DEET Can Pose Health Risks, Especially With Frequent Use.

Many popular mosquito repellents rely on the chemical DEET to deter bites. While effective, DEET has been associated with skin irritation, rashes, and even more severe side effects like seizures.3
The longer you use DEET-based repellents, the greater the risk of experiencing adverse reactions. This is particularly concerning for families who spend a lot of time outdoors and need frequent protection from mosquitoes.
But what choice do you have? It seems like you have to choose between exposing yourself to potential health hazards or enduring painful, itchy bites. If only there was a natural, safe* alternative that could provide lasting protection...

2. Electric Zappers Can Be Noisy, Expensive, and Disruptive to Your Outdoor Experience.

While electric zappers are a popular choice for mosquito control, they come with several drawbacks. The constant buzzing and zapping sounds can be annoying and disruptive, especially when trying to enjoy a peaceful evening outside.
High-quality zappers are costly, sometimes hundreds of dollars. They might be worth it if fully effective, but they often attract more mosquitoes with their bright lights.
It's frustrating to spend money on a supposed solution, only to find that it might be making your mosquito problem worse. (However, if you ARE someone who is tired of dealing with ineffective and annoying mosquito control methods, there IS a better way... Keep Reading!)

3. DIY Mosquito Traps Can Be Unsightly and Ineffective, Often Attracting More Mosquitoes Than They Catch.

Many homemade mosquito traps involve using stagnant water, sweet mixtures, or other attractive substances to lure mosquitoes. While these traps might catch some mosquitoes, they can also serve as a breeding ground for more.
DIY traps, made from plastic bottles or buckets filled with murky water, can look messy and ruin the aesthetics of your yard, turning into an eyesore.
Worst of all, by providing mosquitoes with standing water and sugary solutions, these traps can actually increase the mosquito population in your area, making your problem even worse over time.

“The Magic of Essential Oils And Eliminating Mosquitos...

When you take a step back and tap into the latest breakthroughs in naturally active pesticides rather than buying the sprays that are filled with ingredients you can’t pronounce, you can help transform your home into a place where bugs just can't thrive anymore.

However, this isn’t some kind of magic remedy that is only found by gurus. This is backed not only by research proving its potency, but also has been used by farmers for years to protect crops.

Fortunately, pest control scientists have developed next-generation essential oil formulas that don’t just temporarily deter pests. These solutions actually disrupt unwanted guests at a core physiological level.

When you step back and explore the latest advancements in natural mosquito control rather than relying on DEET-laden repellents or annoying zappers, you can transform your backyard into a space where mosquitoes simply can't thrive.

This isn't some mystical remedy only known to a select few. It's backed by scientific research proving its effectiveness and has been used by communities around the world to protect against mosquito-borne diseases.

Fortunately, Mosquito control experts have created advanced essential oil blends that do more than repel mosquitoes; they disrupt the insects' ability to find and bite humans

This effective mosquito control uses a precise mix of essential oils, leveraging nature's powerful insect deterrents.

But advanced essential oils, as an alternative to DEET-based repellents, work on a molecular level to disrupt mosquitoes' senses and feeding, offering plant-based protection without harsh chemicals or side effects.

  ATTENTION   There have been significant breakthroughs in naturally activated mosquito control that will help you reclaim your outdoor space without resorting to harsh, and potentially counterproductive methods...

"Revolutionizing Mosquito Protection Through Cutting-Edge Research..."

This essential oil-based approach disrupts mosquitoes' ability to detect human scents and alters their feeding instincts. It's a game-changer in the field of mosquito control.

Studies and experiments conducted by entomologists have demonstrated the powerful effects of specific essential oils in repelling and incapacitating mosquitoes.

This breakthrough offers a mosquito-free outdoor experience without the drawbacks of DIY traps and zappers that might attract more mosquitoes. It protects your family and environment from disease-carrying mosquitoes and unsightly homemade solutions.

Among many essential oils, two stand out for their superior mosquito-repelling effects when used together.

You'll soon be calling this dynamic duo your secret weapon against mosquitoes...

These two essential oils work synergistically to create an invisible barrier around your outdoor space, effectively keeping mosquitoes at bay. Finally, there's a way to reclaim your backyard from these pesky insects without compromising your health, your peace, or your outdoor aesthetic.

These two essential oils work to effectively eliminate any pests you may find in your home. All while avoiding the need for harsh chemicals to get the job done. Finally, there is a way to protect your home from bugs without putting your loved ones at risk of breathing in harsh chemicals or breaking the bank to get the job done.

"What if You Could Enjoy Your Backyard

Without Worrying About Mosquito Bites?

or Harsh Chemicals?"

  • What if you could experience the joys of your own backyard without the constant annoyance of mosquitoes and the risk of mosquito-borne diseases?
  • What if this solution not only made your backyard more enjoyable but also seamlessly fit into your outdoor routine, requiring minimal effort on your part?
  • And what if you could prevent mosquito invasions in your yard without resorting to expensive treatments or harmful pesticides? Think of the peace of mind you could have. Wouldn't that change the way you approach mosquito control?

Introducing BugMDTM

A Plant-Powered and Affordable Solution to Your Pest Problems.

Introducing BugMD Mosquito Amigo

A Plant-Powered and Effective Solution to Your Mosquito Problem.

BugMD Mosquito Amigo quickly reduces mosquito populations, offering immediate relief from bites and allowing more time to enjoy a mosquito-free backyard without the wait associated with other natural controls.

When you claim your bottle of BugMD Mosquito Amigo today, you're getting a powerful tool against these pesky invaders − ensuring that mosquitoes steer clear of your outdoor oasis.

It's not only the ultimate mosquito control "secret weapon" but also helps prevent you from needing to rely on costly professional treatments to protect your yard.

Most conventional mosquito repellents contain DEET or other harsh chemicals that can be harmful to your health and the environment. Moreover, many of these sprays have an unpleasant odor and feel greasy on your skin, making them uncomfortable to use.

Unlike typical bug sprays, BugMD Mosquito Amigo is made with plant-powered, natural active ingredients that can be safely* sprayed around your yard, flower beds, trees, and bushes without the worry of harsh chemicals.

Scientifically developed by experts, BugMD Mosquito Amigo uses lemongrass and thyme essential oils to safely* and effectively repel and kill mosquitoes quickly in your outdoor space.

“The Secret Ingredients That Are

Revolutionizing Mosquito Control…”

You see, it's incredibly challenging to create a highly effective and safe* mosquito control formula that's based on pure essential oils.

Many other mosquito repellents rely on synthetic chemicals, but at BugMD, we discovered the two essential oils that will solve most mosquito problems with just a few sprays: Lemongrass oil and Thyme oil. Together, they form a powerful mosquito-fighting duo.

Lemongrass Oil is our first secret ingredient. Its natural compounds make it an excellent mosquito repellent, but that's just the beginning. When combined with the mosquito-killing properties of Thyme Oil, mosquitoes don't stand a chance. This winning combination makes BugMD Mosquito Amigo your go-to solution for long-lasting mosquito protection.

The result is a backyard free from mosquito bites, all thanks to one simple spray bottle filled with essential oils, carefully blended to provide you with maximum coverage and make any mosquito's life miserable if they dare to enter your space.

And you can use it anytime you notice mosquito activity - stopping an invasion before it even has the chance to ruin your outdoor fun.

You'll love the powerful, plant-based active ingredients.

  • When you start using BugMD Mosquito Amigo, the transformation in your backyard will be so remarkable, your neighbors are sure to take notice. No longer will you have to cut your outdoor activities short due to relentless mosquito bites. You can finally reclaim your backyard and enjoy it to the fullest.Keep in mind, BugMD Mosquito Amigo's special offer is exclusive to this page. Its unique formula sets it apart, offering a distinctive, effective approach to managing mosquito populations. Don't miss out on your chance to save money while protecting your family from mosquitoes.

“Why BugMD Mosquito Amigo

 is So Effective At Repelling and Killing Mosquitoes…”

People often wonder, how does BugMD kill and repel mosquitoes without a harsh smell?

BugMD Mosquito Amigo's effectiveness is due to its plant-powered formula, made from pure essential oils without the harsh smell of chemicals. Its naturally-active ingredients offer a mosquito-free backyard without unpleasant odors.

Your outdoor space is meant to be an oasis, but mosquitoes can spoil that. Our solution targets these pests, keeping your yard, patio, garden, pool area, and all outdoor areas protected and bite-free.

When you spray BugMD Mosquito Amigo, the essential oils interfere with a mosquito's ability to locate and feed on its human targets. The mosquitoes become disoriented and unable to bite…

Mosquitoes' navigation fails when essential oils overwhelm their sensory receptors, preventing them from finding their prey.

According to a study published in the Journal of Medical Entomology, certain essential oils can disrupt the olfactory receptors mosquitoes use to detect human scents, making it difficult for them to find and bite their hosts.4

Maybe the mosquitoes can't pinpoint your location. Maybe they lose their urge to feed. Without the ability to effectively track their targets, mosquitoes are rendered harmless.

Mosquito bites are overwhelmed by a complete sensory system breakdown, as lemongrass and thyme oils overload their scent receptors, disabling their ability to locate and feed on humans.

A 2013 study stated that lemongrass is an effective repellent against mosquitoes.5 This essential oil creates an invisible barrier that mosquitoes are reluctant to cross. When used in combination with thyme oil, which has been shown to kill mosquitoes on contact, the two oils provide a powerful one-two punch against these pesky insects.

Furthermore, a 2022 study published in the journal Insects demonstrated that thyme oil has strong larvicidal properties, meaning it can kill mosquito larvae before they have a chance to mature and bite.6

These could be the most potent essential oils for combating mosquitoes!

Here's What Happens When You Unleash The Power of Essential Oils...

Using BugMD Mosquito Amigo doesn’t play the waiting game. Rather than spraying and hoping for the best, you can watch this solution spring into action. The lemongrass and thyme oils begin working to repel and kill mosquitoes almost instantly. You'll be amazed at how quickly you notice a difference in mosquito activity.

The reason essential oils are so effective is that they completely disrupt mosquitoes' ability to function as biting pests. And BugMD Mosquito Amigo works on mosquito larvae too, so you can interrupt their life cycle at multiple stages.

Lemongrass and Thyme Oil are the 'dynamic duo' that take on mosquitoes from every angle.

Effective Mosquito Control,Without the High Costs

Too often, people notice a mosquito problem in their yard and immediately call a professional service, only to be told they'll have to wait days or weeks for an appointment. BugMD Mosquito Amigo puts you in control of your mosquito situation, without the long wait for results. In no time at all, you could be enjoying a mosquito-free backyard.

And don't get me started on the costs of professional mosquito treatments. In 2022, U.S. Structural Pest Control Market made over $11 Billion in profit.7 The issue is that many people resort to costly services for even minor mosquito problems, rather than saving those options for true invasions.

Instead of calling a professional every time you see a mosquito in your yard, you can now keep BugMD Mosquito Amigo on hand for everyday mosquito control. The moment you notice an uptick in mosquito activity, you can take action yourself and save a considerable amount of money in the process.

Repel and Kill Mosquitoes, Their Eggs, And

Larva Without Harsh Chemicals

No More Cancelled Plans Due to Mosquitoes

One of the most frustrating aspects of dealing with mosquitoes is having to change your plans based on their activity. With BugMD Mosquito Amigo, you can take back control of your outdoor schedule and enjoy your backyard whenever you want, without worrying about bites.

One Spray Stops Mosquito Cycle

Instead of buying separate repellents for mosquitoes, another for larvae, and another for eggs, use one solution that tackles them all. Think of the convenience and savings of having a single, versatile product that keeps various biting bugs at bay.

Enjoy the Outdoors DEET Free

Ever avoided mosquito repellent due to its strong smell and DEET's health risks? Protecting from bites shouldn't mean harsh chemicals. BugMD Mosquito Amigo uses plant-based ingredients for safe* use on skin and outdoor areas, offering protection without the worries.

Save Money on Expensive Mosquito Control Services

Instead of spending hundreds of dollars on each visit from a professional mosquito control service, have an effective solution on hand that costs a fraction of the price. Safeguarding your outdoor enjoyment and your budget is always important, especially in today's economy where every penny counts.

This means that while spraying this powerful mosquito repellent around your yard, you'll be keeping biting insects away while also protecting your wallet.

Keep Your Family Safe*, Enjoy Your Backyard, and Finally Relax Outdoors...

Reduce Your Family's Exposure to Synthetic Chemicals - The lemongrass and thyme oils in BugMD Mosquito Amigo reduce exposure to harsh chemicals found in conventional repellents. Spray it outdoors for a natural solution that protects your family and repels mosquitoes.

Repel Stubborn & Dangerous Mosquitoes - Over time, some mosquitoes can develop resistance to traditional pesticides, making them harder to control. A study published in the CDC found that mosquitoes are becoming increasingly resistant to insecticides.8 With BugMD Mosquito Amigo, you have a solution that works even when other methods fail.

Proudly Made in The U.S.A. - BugMD Mosquito Amigo is crafted right here in the United States using high-quality, carefully selected ingredients. By choosing a homegrown solution, you're supporting American jobs and businesses while ensuring your mosquito control meets rigorous safety* and effectiveness standards.

"For a Limited Time: Save Big on Your Order of BugMD Mosquito Amigo Concentrate

And for a limited time, save big on your order from BugMD when you purchase your bundles of Mosquito Amigo Concentrate and our reusable spray bottle.

  • Simply attach your garden hose to the spray nozzle, shake the bottle well before use, and spray the problem areas in your yard. Then, sit back and enjoy a mosquito-free backyard. For best results, apply a second application within 7 days to strengthen your new pest shield.
  • Prepare your backyard 1-3 days in advance. Whether you're having a couple guests over or a huge party, spraying your yard in advance will help provide a mosquito free environment for everyone to enjoy.
  • You can buy concentrate bottles in bulk to stay protected all year long. Each bottle of BugMD Mosquito Amigo provides long-lasting mosquito control, so you can enjoy your outdoor living areas for months on end.
  • This solution works wonders in your backyard, garden, patio, and any other outdoor space where mosquitoes tend to congregate and ruin your relaxation time.
  • You'll love the powerful, plant-based active ingredients that will keep your outdoor environment mosquito-free and your family protected, no matter the season.

This discount is ONLY available on this site, so if you're looking to get this incredible deal on BugMD Mosquito Amigo, you won't find it anywhere else.

Just attach BugMD Mosquito Amigo to your garden hose and spray away! Be prepared for any mosquito invasion that threatens to disrupt your outdoor enjoyment.

BugMD Mosquito Amigo is the ultimate mosquito control "secret weapon" that can transform your backyard into a peaceful, bite-free oasis — almost instantly...

Even if you're not currently dealing with a severe mosquito problem, but you've started to notice a few more bites than usual, BugMD Mosquito Amigo will help keep you and your loved ones protected from these pesky insects.

"Try BugMD Mosquito Amigo, Experience the Power of Essential Oils, and LOVE Your Mosquito-Free Backyard... Or Simply Return It..."

And your purchase today comes with a satisfaction guarantee. That means for any reason within the next 30 days, you can return your bottles of BugMD Mosquito Amigo for a refund. I want to make your decision to try BugMD Mosquito Amigo in your own backyard as easy as possible.

Just attach your garden hose to the spray nozzle, shake the bottle well, and spray the areas where mosquitoes are a problem. Feel confident in your outdoor space with a solution that's ready to tackle any mosquito issue you encounter. For best results, apply a second application within 7 days to reinforce your mosquito barrier. Keep BugMD Mosquito Amigo on standby, ready to use whenever mosquitoes try to invade your backyard.

You're going to love the way you feel with bug worries being a thing of the past. If you're not satisfied, simply contact our Customer Support Team within 30 day of purchase. One of our dedicated agents will handle your return. Just pay a small processing fee and return shipping for returns/exchanges.


“Everything I have purchased from your company works”

Everything I have purchased from your company works. I trust your company. The smell is also amazing compared to any other bug spray. Also love that it’s safe around animals.”It works wonders.  No nasty smell

Priscilla D. - US
“Very effective.”

Yard spray cut down the mosquito population quite a bit… Very effective.

Earl V. - US
It did the job. Very pleased.

It did the job. Very pleased.

Terri T.  - US
I like that the ingredients is of natural ingredients.”

I like that the ingredients is of natural ingredients.

AsheIllene B. - US
It works wonders.  No nasty smell

It works wonders.  No nasty smell

Barbara S. - US

Keep Every Space In Your HouseProtected From Embarrassing Pests

Frequently Asked Questions


How does Mosquito Amigo work?
Is Mosquito Amigo safe to use around pets and children?
How do I use Mosquito Amigo?
What makes Mosquito Amigo different from other pest control products?
What if I'm not happy with it? What is your return policy?
How long does it take for BugMD Mosquito Amigo to arrive?

Works Cited


6 Mosquito Diseases That Can Be Deadly


In Florida's local malaria outbreak, forgotten bite led to surprise hospitalization


Is DEET Bad for You?


Olfaction in Anopheles mosquitoes


The repellency of lemongrass oil against stable flies, tested using video tracking


Preparation of Thymus vulgaris (L.) essential oil nanoemulsion and its chitosan encapsulation for controlling mosquito vectors


US Pest Industry Exceeds $11 Billion


CDC Bottle Bioassay

Works Cited